Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011
ordinaria una criatura que Dios ha hecho :""""
someone who is not confident.............? that's me! i dunno know why. sometimes i think that i just a nerd young girl. i'm not beautiful one, i dont have slim body, white skin, long and black hair, smile that captivated everyone. i'm not smart enough i think. yeah....i'm just ordinary one! r-e-a-l-l-y ORDINARY!! but i'm proud to be like this. Oh....BIG THANKSSS GOD because i'm beautiful on my way. no one like me..... no-one! i'm limited edition {}
Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011
Internet Ala XI IS 2
Internet Ala XI IS 2
Tadi waktu kami sedang pelajaran Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi, bahasa keren nya TIK gitu hehe kita belajar soal internet, terus kita yang sering berkecimpung di dunia internet disuruh jadi narasumber soal internet ini. Jadi anak-anak kelas XI IS 2 yang bukan narasumber boleh bertanya apa saja soal internet yang belum mereka kuasai. Cerita soal internet yang kami bahas ini. Internet itu sendiri menurut pendapat saya sebenernya merupakan sebuah jalan awal untuk kita agar bisa melihat dunia luar, bisa mencari informasi aja saja melalui internet baik itu tentang pendidikan maupun jejaring sosial. Internet juga mempunyai sisi positif maupun negatif, Nah sisi negatif nya yaitu kita bisa kecanduan menggukan internet sehingga lupa belajar, kita juga bisa tertipu karena tergiur dengan barang-barang yang ditawarkan shopOnline melalui website-website, bisa saja website tersebut palsu, Eh kita udah tranfer uang malah barangnya ga sesuai harapan atau malah ga nyampe ke tangan kita. Tapi sebenernya sisi negatif itu dapat kita cegah juga, kita sebagai pengguna internet harus bisa memanfaatkan internet itu sendiri dengan baik dan harus teliti mengenai transaksi lewat ShopOnline. Nah kita sebagai generasi muda pasti nya sangat sering berkecimpung dalamminternet. biasanya nih anak-anak jaman sekarang suka buka situs-situs jejaring sosial seperti facebook, twitter, my space, tumblr, blog dan lain-lain nya. Tapi kita juga jangan lupa buat membuka situs-situs pengetahuan umum agar wawasan kita juga bertambah lebih luas dan gak jadi anak muda yang terbelakang. Kita semua juga gasemua nya kan punya modem atau laptop, nah biasanya kalau sering maen di warnet terkadang ada beberapa warnet yang menggunakan hacker tool yang dapat merugikan. nah untuk menanggulangi nya kita cukup memeriksa atau searching di komputer itu sendiri apakah terdapat hacket tool atau tidak, kalau ada sebaiknya kita tidak usah pergi ke warnet itu lagi dan mencari warnet yang lebih terjamin hehe kan udah ngebahas soal internet. Dan internet itu sendiri sebenernya kita ketahui dari mana sih? kebanyakan siswa/siswi di XI IS 2 tau atau dapat menggunakan internet yaitu ketika masih bersekolah di Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Pada waktu itu kita sudah mulai mengenal soal internet dan kerabat-kerabatnya.
Dan yah.......itulah pendapat-pendapat kami soal Internet dan postingan ini saya berijudul "Internet Ala XI IS 2"!!! semoga postingan nya bermanfaat untuk kita semua sebagai generasi pelurus bangsa hehe :D
Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011
Friendship and Love ♥
♥ Friendship and Love ♥
a friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing the words back to you when you have forgotten them
truely great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget
friendship is not about the person you have known the longest....it is about who came and never left you side
a true friend sees the first tear...catches the second and stops the third
friends are like stars they come and go..but the ones that stay are the ones that glow
a true friend can see the hurt in your eyes...while everyone else is fooled by your smile
no matter how serious life gets..you still need the ones you can be stupid with
friends are like for leave clovers...lucky to have but hard to find
friends laught at you silliest jokes..put up with your worst moods..go along with your craziest ideas and still see the best in you
friendship is what helps you get throught the bad times and enjoy the good times
side by side or miles apart..your friends are always close to you heart
you can tell if you love someone if you look at them over and over again and again...and no matter how many times you look you fall in love with them all over again
love is not finding the perfect person...it's seeing an imperfect person perfectly
there is that one special person out there for everyone
you know you love someone when you cant describe how you feel in words
when he smiles at you, you cant help but to smile back
they are all you think about every minute of everyday
to the world you might be just one but to someone you might be the world
you read his texts over and over again
three seconds to say i love you
a lifetime to prove it
lifes to short..tell that one special person you love them...dont let your love go to waste
Love is when you have a bad day, but then you see a man you love and everything suddenly seems ok
Friendship~ BigThanksss for every-single-thing guys. thank you for all the laughter. thanks for all the power until today. thank you for the same as fighting against all "storms". Companions are always there when sad, happy, love, grief, eating together, birthday surprise party, playing 'Wush-Wush', break up..... e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g! iloveittttt !! i love all the time we spend together.
Love~ Really Big Thanksss to ALLAH SWT for give me a time to know you until now~ you are the one who can act silly with, who treats me right and loves being with me. A relationship without trust is like a car without gas. You can sit in it as long as you want, but it won't go anywhere. It's not about perfection. It is about moments, feelings, and stories being shared. You are always on my mind. Your voice, smile and touch are with me all day long. It's nice to know that you were there. Thanks for acting like you cared, And making me feel like I was the only one.
Thanks God, there's still a lot of people who cares about me. especially my parents and also my best-friends and you.
How lucky I am that I've someone like them. They are the greatest. Thanks for the love.
Me with Love
Lydia Kurniasari
OKE! it's time to share every-thingsssss about Quality Time with Family! kemaren 21 okt 2011 tepat ulang tahun sepupu gua yang ke-5 Muhammad Hafiz Al-Fitrah :"""" seneng kenapa soalnya sepupu kecil yang sangat nyebelin ini udah gede juga weheee dan kita dirumah rusuh pada siap2 buat ultah kecil kecilan buat dia kiw ini gua mau share beberapa foto! Cekidot :D
dan wishlissssst gue banyaaak bgt hehe :D semoga semoga apis nya semakin pinter pinter, gabandel lagi, gademen nangis lagi, semoga bisa jadi anak sholeh yah weheee dan yang terpenting dedek apis nya bisa lancar ngomong yah sakitnyaaah cepet sembuh yah :""""" all the best for youuuuuu! {}
your prettiest cousin :"""
Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011
first posting in my new blog, let's enjoy it dudeeeee! use of the blog as a place to share everything. mohon bantuan nyaaaa ˘⌣˘
first posting in my new blog, let's enjoy it dudeeeee! use of the blog as a place to share everything. mohon bantuan nyaaaa ˘⌣˘
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